The Lifetime Sports Academy is open to boys and girls ages 8-18 and offers free group lessons in the lifetime sports of golf, tennis and swimming. The program begins June 14 in McMillen Park and operates Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Group lessons in golf, tennis and swimming will focus on skill development, training, and participation and will be taught by certified coaches and highly trained professionals and volunteers. The Lifetime Sports Academy is funded by the Fort Wayne Sports Corporation and the Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation Department and is offered to area youth
FREE of charge.
Pre-register on-line through May 31, on Opening Day, or at the McMillen Park Pavilion at any time during the program.
A Lifetime Sports Academy brochure with schedules, registration form and detailed information is available on-line or by calling 427-6000. Beginning June 14, you may call the Academy at 427-6760 or stop by the pavilion in McMillen Park.